The new Public Sector Directive 2014/24 (the New Public Sector Directive) on public procurement entered into force on 17 April 2014. This replaces Directive 2004/18. The New Public Sector Directive is accompanied by two other new directives, those for utilities and concession contracts respectively. Member States have two years to implement the New Public Sector Directive into national law. However, the UK government believes there are efficiencies to be gained for the national economy by its early implementation. To this end the Cabinet Office has recently published for consultation a draft version of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (the Draft Regulations). Whilst the government is keen to encourage dialogue regarding the Draft Regulations, it also points out that the vast majority of the content of the Regulations must be included in accordance with the New Public Sector Directive. As such, the consultation will not result in any dramatic changes to the Draft Regulations. The Cabinet Office has also stated that it has adopted a “copy out” approach in line with the Coalition’s policy of avoiding “gold plating” legislation wherever possible.
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